CliftonStrengths Coaching : Everybody Needs a Coach

Do you want to understand your natural talents and use them to produce results and reach your goals? As a Certified Strengths Coach, I can help you overcome obstacles and teach you how to name, claim, and aim your strengths to be at your best and transform relationships. Beyond coaching individuals, I can provide coaching services for managers and teams to help address team-specific issues and to use their unique talents for greater engagement and productivity. Strengths-Based philosophy focuses on what is RIGHT with people, rather than what is wrong with them.

The 5 guiding principles of Clifton Strengths are:

  • Talent themes are neutral.
  • Talent themes are not labels.
  • Lead with positive intent.
  • Differences are an advantage.
  • People need one another.


What are the benefits of Strengths coaching?

Having a Strengths coach allows you to have a person who invests in and interacts with you or your team for the primary purpose of stimulating, motivating, and facilitating growth, development, and performance.


My coaching style

I am a Coach who will learn your story, help you bring your ideas to life and take action, and bring warm and friendly energy to our sessions. I’ll share useful information and resources and am accepting and non-judgmental.

For more information on CliftonStrengths or to purchase the assessment, see

CliftonStrengths FAQs


To schedule Strengths coaching, please contact for individual, managerial, and team rates. Educational and non-profit discounts apply.