Are you interested in intercultural effectiveness to work and live with people from different cultures both internationally and domestically?


As a licensed Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Administrator, I can help you or your team build intercultural awareness in your organization to achieve diversity and inclusion goals. The IDI is a cross-cultural (offered in 17 languages), valid, and reliable 50-item online questionnaire that can be completed in 15 minutes created by Dr. Mitchell Hammer. Contexting questions also allow individuals to describe their challenges and goals when encountering intercultural experiences. It is the premier tool to assess developmental intercultural competence, the capability to shift cultural perspective and adapt behavior to cultural difference and commonalities. Over 500,0000 individuals have taken the IDI and it is the assessment of choice for over 1300 schools and organizations. The results are actionable and each person receives their IDI Individual or Group Profile Results and a customized Individual Development Plan (IDP).

For more information on the IDI including testimonials, video case studies that demonstrate practical impact, and sample Individual/Group Profile Reports and Plans, see

To order the IDI and schedule IDI guided coaching, please contact for individual and group rates. Educational and non-profit discounts apply.

Why Should You Consider Using the IDI ?

